=== Permissions ===
A line is needed in the "Unpack the new files" section specifying the permissions. CPanel doesnot allow me to upload a file without first specifying the permissions.
=== To Overwrite or Not To Overwrite, That is the Question === The instructions say, "You should put the decompressed tarball in a new and empty folder on your server," but this is not consistent with the Upgrade[.txt] file, which says, "Replace the existing MediaWiki files with the new." Which is correct? How do we get the incorrect instruction corrected?
=== Where to unpack them === Assuming I'm not to overwrite, then I also assume that I can dispense with a separate backup since the current files are not being touched. My current installation is in /home/myname/public_html/w so I **think** what I'm supposed or can do is rename w to w-old then create a new directory w then put the downloaded mediawiki-1.24.2.tar.gz file in the new directory w and proceed from there. Is this correct?