On Jan 10, 2008 9:43 PM, Adam Meyer meyer7@mindspring.com wrote:
My wiki ( www.risdpedia.net ) has been under fierce attack by spam in the past week, and normally I would do the normal stuff to combat it, but my wiki is a little different. The people who use the site are anything but computer savvy, so I cant have them doing the captua thing, or even confirm edit. I even had to hide the login/create account at the top page because people thought that meant they had to create an account, and it was too much work. ( I know, I know).
So the spammers just use your homebrew /interface/ free for all page article construction CGI / mechanism. Its a shame that people cannot create an account, your work flow is pretty on target. You could always take your custom workflow and queue it similar to a mailing list and have the articles moderated.