On 13/02/12 19:56, Nicolas Brouard INED wrote:
Thanks John for your comment. It would mean that people logging with an email will have a default account (lowest ID with the same email or whatever rule).
For authorship Wikimedia doesn't encourage multiple account names (multiple (>3?) pseudos are blamed). And usually, for a corporate wiki you don't have multiple accounts. If you decide to change your name for any reason (divorce for example) you are supposed to have a (new) unique name. You usually can also have email aliases.
And if you want to log on a specific account name, you can copy and paste your account name (if your keyboard doesn't allow you to enter your real, not transliterated, name).
Thus, I am not sure that it is strong objection for corporate wikis at least.
PS: I am trying to understand how to have a working MyAuthPlugin.php and to get the email in authenticate but it requires time and I haven't found so many examples on the Web.
Any hint or comment is welcome.
I don't think you can do that with just an auth plugin. You would need to modify the SpecialUserLogin code to look for that email.
PS: What's the big issue with copy&paste or transliteration? Doesn't your users have a keyboard layout able to type *their own name*? I understand the issue when a third party needs to enter them, but eg. Russian people usually have/can switch to a cyrillic keyboard layout.