I upgraded MediaWiki from 1.4b5 to 1.4.2 today, and Special:Recentchanges comes up blank! View source gives "<html><body></body></html>". I can't find any other problems with my wiki (http://jfwiki.org).
My upgrade process was by the book: back up the original wiki directory, untar the new stuff over the old stuff, create a temporary AdminSettings.php, and run maintenance/update.php.
Update.php said nothing alarming:
bash-2.05$ /usr/local/php/bin/php update.php Going to run database updates for wikidb Depending on the size of your database this may take a while! Abort with control-c in the next five seconds to aboard.. 0 ...linkscc table already exists. ...hitcounter table already exists. ...querycache table already exists. ...objectcache table already exists. ...categorylinks table already exists. ...logging table already exists. ...user_rights table already exists. ...have ipb_id field in ipblocks table. ...have ipb_expiry field in ipblocks table. ...have rc_type field in recentchanges table. ...have rc_ip field in recentchanges table. ...have rc_id field in recentchanges table. ...have rc_patrolled field in recentchanges table. ...have user_real_name field in user table. ...have user_token field in user table. ...have ur_user field in user_rights table. ...have log_params field in logging table. ...already have interwiki table ...indexes seem up to 20031107 standards ...linkscc is up to date, or does not exist. Good. Converting links table to ID-ID... Schema already converted ...image primary key already set. Fixing title encoding on logging table... ok Initialising "MediaWiki" namespace... Clearing message cache...Done. Done. bash-2.05$
The only odd thing was that I had tried to run this script before, giving it the mysql "wikiuser" account instead of the mysql root credentials. Got an error, fixed AdminSettings.php, and ran it again with the above results.
http://jfwiki.org/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=rss gives me good data, so I know my database is OK, right? Special:Version now says 1.4.2.
Any suggestions? Please help!
Thanks in advance,