I've released the first beta version of wclEditor on meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/wclEditor.
It's rather limitid yet, but even now one can see the idea's potential! First of all, I want to say that this version has only demonstrational purpose. FCKeditor breaks the formatig. I've partily solved it adding <br style="display:none"> as a line-break token, but VCK also adds spaces at the beginig of the lines...
So if somebody knows how to make FCK preserve the formatting, please tell me - it is one of the biggest problem of wclEditor. However the testing of InstaView and Wikificator showed no diff's when comparing with the source wikitext. Also IV's output was successfuly compared with MediaWiki's (at list paragraphs, < pre >, tables and simple lists). ---------------------- Everything is relative
<цитата от="David Pace">
On 7/27/06, David Pace gps.david.pace@gmail.com wrote: On 7/27/06, Shtriter Shtriter@gmail.com wrote:
I'm working over "WYSIWYM editor for MediaWiki" project. The idea is to integrate FCKeditor, InstaView and Wikificator. I've managed to develop dinamic (client-side, no _USE_EDITOR_) switching between standart wikitext editing and visual FCK-based editing. First release comming soon...
I'd be very interested in seeing what you have come up with. One of the challenges with the project I'm working on right now is trying to engage non-technical staff in using an enternprise wiki.
FCKeditor has been my main solution so far, but I'm very curoius about what you have cooking over there.
Dave Pace