On 31/10/2007, T.W.A.Maaswinkel@rn.rabobank.nl T.W.A.Maaswinkel@rn.rabobank.nl wrote:
Hey all, currently we are installing and preparing mediawiki within our company, but we only have got one problem. On a random notice the following happens: if you press the save button it says 'This is only a preview; changes have not yet been saved! ', but the rest of the content is disappeared. Did anyone else experiance a similar problem and did someone maybe already find a solution.
For your information, we are using
Mediawiki 1.11.0
PHP 5.2.4 (apache2handler)
MySQL: 5.0.45-community-nt
Windows Server 2003/2000 (we tried it on both O/S)
I'm going to guess that this is a standard PHP session.save_path misconfiguration, leading to session data loss, which *should* have been detected during installation.
Check that the value of session.save_path in PHP.ini, and make sure it's set to a valid path, to which the user IIS/Apache is running as has read/write access.
Rob Church