Replying to my own mail: I tried to install in another subdirectory
I have the same results when www is missing.
on with 1.3.7 I don't have these problems.
Is this a known issue?
Ciao, Sabine
Sabine Cretella wrote:
Hi, I suppose I did one thing I should not have done ....
Today I decided to try out the first 1.4 installation - since I already have a wakkawiki-installation in /wiki and another one of mediawiki 1.3.7 in another directory I installed 1.4 in a directory called just /w/
Now I started to edit things and what happens is really strange - and I am just not sure if it depends on my browser or on the installation.
I modified the main page first and everything seemed ok. Then I modified again and the browser just did not show me the changes
- no way ... even after several re-loads.
Now I noted the following: when I go to I have the correct contents
whe I go to I have the old contents
and this is really strange ....
So do you think it depends on my browser or did I choose a wrong directory name (I noted that when editing pages on the wikimedia servers it works in a directory called /w).
And if my installation is wrong: what do I need to do now? Do I have to re-install everything in another directory and then re-edit from scratch?
Thank's for any help.