I'm following the instructions on setting up mediawiki's ShortUrls ( http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL), and have run into a problem. I hope this is the correct mailing list for this sort of question. If not, my apologies, and could you let me know the correct one?
In my localsetting.php file, I have lines: $wgScriptPath = "/mediawiki"; $wgScriptExtension = ".php"; $wgArticalPath = "/wiki/$1"; $wgUsePathInfo = true;
In my apache httpd.conf file, I have mod_alias loaded, and the lines Alias /wiki "C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/mediawiki/index.php" AcceptPathInfo on
I am currently running on Windows 7 / 64 bit. My apache server is 2.2.22. The Special:Version page reports. ProductVersion MediaWiki https://www.mediawiki.org/ 1.19.0 PHPhttp://www.php.net/ 5.2.17 (apache2handler) MySQL http://www.mysql.com/ 5.1.58-community I have attached localsettings.php and httpd.conf
At the moment the wiki is not available from the internet (it is only available from localhost)
I have restarted the apache server and I have had partial success. When I type "localhost/wiki/MainPage", the server responds with a status 301/moved permanently and the browser loads "localhost/mediawiki/index.php/MainPage".
The behaviour I want is that the server should serve up the content without a redirect, so that bookmarks work, and the urls look elegant.
I have read the apache mod_alias manual page, and google searched for "mediawiki redirect shorturl" without much success.
Do any of you have any suggestions on how to proceed?
Thanks Phil