Hi, I just set up a Wiki-System for some part of University and content has to remain internal, so it would be quite nice, if not everyone is able to see it.
My first step was to integrate this $wgWhite*-Stuff, so that an anonymous user is just able to see Mainpage, Special:Userlogin and Special:Userlogout.
Well. Getting to the "Secret Stuff" remains One Click Away[tm], as people right now only need to type their password twice and click on "add account", then they will be forwarded to whatever they wanted to see.
As a result I would like to know if there is any possibility that people have to do account REQUESTS and that I have to confirm those requests (as an admin) do some kind of authorization. And how I set it up ;)
Thankfully yours with best regards,
Kristina Rothe
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