Thanks for all the help everyone. The problem was an include statement placed in the wrong section of LocalSettings.php. Why it didn't effect 1.9.3 is beyond me.
On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 4:01 PM, Michael Daly wrote:
Philip Beach wrote:
Detected bug in an extension! Hook efDspHook failed to return a value; should return true to continue hook processing or false to abort.
The function is supposed to return a value of "true" if it worked correctly and things should continue or "false" if not. However, the function returns nothing.
With the newer releases of MW, this is enforced and generates an error. You have to get the extension writer to update the extension to follow the standards.
If you can figure out the code, you can change it yourself to return either "true" or "false" as the case demands.
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