David wrote: ... you're not the customer, you're another potential developer ;-)
Peter Blaise responds: Thanks, Dave. I think you've identified one central problem - nobody seems to know what a "customer" is! Perhaps they are just doing all this coding for their own entertainment after all. That explains a lot.
Anyway, my point is: just because this is "open source" does not mean we have to forget all the advances in the features and benefits of user interface design, many that were achieved 20 years ago.
I'm trying to inspire customer service; you're trying to explain lack of customer service. It makes sense, then, that our posts would seem to argue with each other - we're talking about different things.
-- Peter Blaise
Frederik wrote: DFTT - please.
Peter Blaise responds: Hi, Frederik. You say 'don't feed the trolls', AND you put it in an email to the group, eh? Irony?
Google [define:Troll]: "a newsgroup post that is deliberately incorrect, intended to provoke readers; or a person who makes such a post".
Though I have no problem being provocative, I strive for accuracy. Hey, that's why I've been looking for a resource map on MediaWiki installation, config, use, maintenance, and so on - to support my customers as accurately as possible. I've been building such a resource as I go along, and others are pitching in long before me, and subsequently. If you know anything that will help, please share links to MediaWiki.org where you share it.
New: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface
... thanks to, http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Rogerhc
I put some on http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual_talk:Interface and http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Peterblaise and more, but I have a long way to go.
Troll indeed!
Frederiktionary [define:troll]: "anyone Frederik disagrees with".
-- Peter Blaise