On 10/12/2007, Angela beesley@gmail.com wrote:
On Dec 11, 2007 12:05 AM, David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com wrote:
- mm2mw.pl is at http://www.littlejohnconsulting.com/node/18 - this is
what Wikia recommends for people wanting to move a Moin wiki to Wikia.
I wasn't actually recommending it. I was just collecting scripts I found randomly on that page. I've not personally used it and don't know anyone who has.
I just tried mm2mw.pl. Problem: It converts all CamelCase to [[Camel Case]] ... including in the middle of external links. This makes too much of a hash of things for us to use it.
The Linux Foundation moin2media.py script doesn't do this, and only mucks up *some* external links by trying to convert them into wikilinks. However, it doesn't understand multiple levels of bullet points.
I got hold of an internal conversion script someone here used (which I probably can't release if it proves any good, sadly) which I'll be having a hack at.
My last resort will be using MoinMoin's internal DocBook export and then hacking on the hacky blender.org DocBook-to-Mediawiki converter. The problem with DocBook export in MoinMoin 1.5.2 is that it doesn't indicate links in any way at all. The experimental DocBook branch of 1.6 apparently does, but it's more than a simple matter of dropping the new .py file into place.
I shall report back on whatever seems to work!
- d.