Hello,I modified index.php to go directly to action edit instead of action view.
When I am in editpage and press button with action=edit, I understand that in some way it goes back to index.php, and goes again to the switch-case: as in case edit you make a new editpage, that's because a global var doesn't "remember" values, as they're different editpages (as you answered me previously in the list).
But, would be possible to do those changes in index.php? The idea is to have a configmyproject.txt filled with an id for users (not the username, as I don't want to make register boligatory to edit), generated with time() and four random numbers. Then, when other person entrers in the web, it should read the file, and seeing their id isn't, continue as a new instance. If it is the person that was already entered, it should read their id (entered when first submit in edit), and continue processing to edit2 (yes, I have made editpage.php, and editpage2 and editpage3 too, that's because i need some config to save in what screen the user is).
Well... a variable that I recall his value at beginning of index.php (global $myid) should not be "remembered"? The new instance of edit isn't created yet...but I tried and it doesn't remember it...
Sorry if maybe sounds a bit confusing...thanks in advance