Changing to use the cache directory did indeed work fine, and thanks for the note about the PoolCounter which we'll look into.
On 2 September 2012 19:52, Tim Starling wrote:
On 02/09/12 00:37, Dave Humphrey wrote:
- An issue with the MediaWiki localization db cache when used with a high
traffic site.
The DB store for the localisation cache is not really intended for high-traffic sites, it's intended to make small wikis work out of the box without extra configuration. For a high traffic site you should set $wgCacheDirectory to a writable directory, or better still, set $wgLocalisationCacheConf['manualRecache'] to true and run maintenance/rebuildLocalisationCache.php each time the code is updated.
To solve the general problem of cache stampedes, you may want to install the PoolCounter extension:
-- Tim Starling
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