Lennie Jarratt wrote:
I am running into the following issue on judgepedia.org.
First I log into the site and can traverse any page I want fine I go to Upload File and upload an image. The image is
uploaded, but I am logged out. I attempt to go to any File page and I am logged out everytime. I cannot change a File now of any type because of this. It is happening for all users.
Things I have tried:
- Changing the file permissions on disk (No change)
- Added the following to .htaccess to cache sessions on disk php_value session.cache_expire 10800 php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 10800 php_value session.save_path /mypath/session (yes, I created
this directory with 777 perms)
- This broke logins across the site
Thanks for the suggestions/help in advance.
That's odd. Does it happen only when uploading or just by visitn a page on the File namespace? Try disabling all extensions and checking if the problem is still there.
Also, you seem to be using Varnish cache and is mediawiki is detecting the ip as in the range. You should add its ips at $wgSquidServersNoPurge /$wgSquidServers. There were changes today to mediawiki which should allow it to play better with Varnish. Expect them at next release.