I find the new wiki install config screen englessly confusing. Here are some of my questions:
1. For the "Database Config" section, am I providing a NEW username and password, or suppling a pre-existing one?
2. Does the "Database Config" username and password have to be the same as the "Site Config" username and password? Why are "wikidb" and "wiiuser" prefilled? I ask because using these has never worked for installs to my local box.
3. When installing to a webserver, not on my local box, how do I know what to enter in the "Database Host" field?
4. What is the superuser account? How do I know if I need to create one? Am I providing a NEW username and password for a superuser, or suppling pre-existing information for a currently existing superuser? Why is "root" prefilled? I ask because using root has never worked for installs to my local box.
These instructions just don't help me - I don't know why some things work and others don't - possibly because I don't know what I'm doing at all and can't find a tutorial on this information anywhere.