I have tried to restore one of my wiki sites for testing, because I've always learnt that a non-tested backup is a useless backup.
I have exported my database named pascal_wikidb using phpmyadmin on my host site and obtained an sql file.
Then I have tried to import this sql file on another database (on the same host site) named pascal_dbtest. I have had hard time doing it because the import function of phpmyadmin doesn't work well with lynx, but that is another story. Using Firefox, I managed to do it still with an error message (I don't remember this message and I cannot reproduce easily this operation); so I wasn't sure my restoration was complete.
I then imported pascal_dbtest and it sounded complete when looking at the sql file, except that there are only 5 "ALTER TABLE" in it, instaed of a few dozens in the file exported from pascal_wikidb. Anyway it's hard to compare at a manual glance.
So I changed the LocalSettings.php of my wiki site to have it pointing on pascal_dbtest instead of pascal_wikidb :
$wgDBname = "pascal_dbtest";
$wgDBuser = "pascal_testwiki";
$wgDBpassword = "Undiscloed_password"
I opened my wiki with the normal URL, I managed to log in, but I couldn't modify any page, when I try I get :
"Alert: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"
then (this is a translation back to english, sorry)
A database request error occured. It could have been caused by something wrong in the software.
[1cd8b80a4379c26549677281] 2020-07-13 17:30:10: Fatal erreur of type "DBQueryError"
Is there any procedure to follow to restore a wiki installation from a database backup?
Or is it likely to be caused by a corruption in my database backup?
I precise that I almost eliminated the hypothesis of an error in the user's permissions on this database.
Thanks in advance for any answer