Would the parser changes in 1.12.0 have the following effect?
The Simple Forms extension
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Simple_Forms used to render
wikitext within a form, e.g.:
[[Hello there]]!
but now instead of rendering a "Hello there" link, it displays the
literal text [[Hello there]]. Likewise, if the results of a form
submission contain wikitext or custom tags, they are being displayed
literally instead of parsed.
Is this something to take up with the extension author (i.e., he missed
something), or is this going to be an inherent problem due to the parser
According to
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:%24wgArticleRobotPolicies, one can
set robot policies for individual pages with $wgArticleRobotPolicies.
However, it doesn't work for me, i.e., when I add:
$wgArticleRobotPolicies = array( 'Special:Categories' => 'index,follow' );
I still get noindex,nofollow on that page.
It is the same for other, non-special pages - setting anything with
$wgArticleRobotPolicies for any page doesn't seem to have any effect.
Am I missing anything? I use 1.12.0.
Tomasz Chmielewski
Hi Wiki-Guru's,
We would like to let users anonymously add content to our wiki. We
already hided the Users List but we need to prevent registered users
to see the History-Tab.
Any hints?
Christian Schneider
A long time ago I asked if anyone would like an extension that would
help users add links (with correct spelling and capitalization)...
Well I finally made one. It is crude, and it needs work, but it is as
far as I can go with what i know.
You can test it out here:
Clicking on the "+ link" button will reveal a search box. Just type in
there and it will give a floating list of articles containing what you
searched for. Then selecting one will add it to the article with
proper syntax.
I would love help to make this extension better. I do know of some
The added button in IE7 gets added to the beginning not h end of the
buttons. (anyone know how to fix this?)
IE wil lose track of your position when you select a link, so it will
always place it at the beginning.
Safari and FF do not have either of these issues.
Always working to make mediawiki easier for the non tech users,
Is the "Real Name" preference used anywhere in MediaWiki, or is it
obsolete? I see a few references to it in the source code, but cannot
manage to make it appear in any signatures, history, recent changes,
This question has been asked before (in 10/2007,
92.html) but there was no response.
You can overload constructor of your Special page (more on <http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Special_pages#Constructor>). So you can use this:
SpecialPage::SpecialPage('YourSpecialPageName', 'sysop');
in the constructor of your special page class.
-Matěj Grabovský
>Od: Christian Schneider
>Přijato: 28.3.2008 9:55:47
>Předmět: [Mediawiki-l] How to block Special Pages for non-Sysop Users?
>Can anyone tell me how I can block the Special Pages for all user
>which are not sysop?
>Christian Schneider
Some users are reporting database errors for one of my extensions,
The error reported is
1146: Table 'mw_.user' doesn't exist (localhost)
1142: SELECT command denied to user 'cdy'@'srv83.one.com' for table
depending on how MySQL privileges are set. The extension works for me
in 1.11. 1, and I'm not sure exactly where the problem is for the
users. I suspect it's because I'm misusing $wgDBprefix, and the
extension is looking for a db that doesn't exist. But since I don't
use it in my wikis, it's hard to test on my local installs. I'm
guessing the problem is somewhere in the method below (which should
probably be rewritten anyway to use more MW style db access code).
function findMyUsers(){
global $wgUser, $wgDBprefix;
$dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$sql = "SELECT u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_registration FROM
$wgDBprefix.user u WHERE 1";
$sql = "SELECT u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_registration FROM
$wgDBprefix.logging l, $wgDBprefix.user u WHERE
l.log_title = u.user_name AND
log_type = 'newusers' AND
log_user = '".$wgUser->getID()."'
if (isset($this->group) && $this->group !=''){
$sql = str_replace("FROM","FROM $wgDBprefix.user_groups, ", $sql);
$sql .= " AND ug_user = u.user_id AND ug_group = '".$this->group."'
if (isset($this->username) && !is_null($this->username) && $this-
>username != ''){
$sql .= " AND u.user_name LIKE'".mysql_real_escape_string($this-
>username)."' ";
if (isset($this->yearfrom) && !is_null($this->yearfrom) && $this-
>yearfrom != ''){
$month = '00';
if (!is_null($this->monthfrom ) ) $month = $this->monthfrom;
$fromdate = str_pad($this->yearfrom.$month, 14, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
$sql .= " AND STRCMP(u.user_registration,'$fromdate') = 1 ";
if (isset($this->yearto) && !is_null($this->yearto) && $this-
>yearto != ''){
$year = $this->yearto;
$month = '99';
if (!is_null($this->monthto ) ) $month = $this->monthto;
$todate = str_pad($year.$month, 14, '9', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
$sql .= " AND STRCMP(u.user_registration,'$todate') = -1 ";
$sql .= " ORDER BY u.user_name";
$sql = $dbr->limitResult($sql, $this->limit, $this->offset);
#echo $sql;
$results = $dbr->query($sql);
$this->num = $dbr->numRows($results);
if (!$results) return array();
while( $x = $dbr->fetchObject ( $results ) ) {
$arr[] = get_object_vars($x);
return $arr;
Jim Hu
Associate Professor
Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics
2128 TAMU
Texas A&M Univ.
College Station, TX 77843-2128
Henry Hartley wrote:
> Sorry for the longish question but I wanted to give as much detail as
> possible.
> MediaWiki 1.11.1
> CentOS 5.1
> MySQL 5.0.22-2.2.el5
> I'm having trouble building what seems like a fairly simple template.
> I've read documentation, I've looked at examples, I've even copied
> templates from other sites but it's not working. Any help you can
> provide would be greatly appreciated. I have simplified my template to
> isolate the problem. So, I have a template called Person-Simple that
> looks like this:
> <includeonly>{| class="infobox" border="1"
> |-
> ! align="center" colspan="2" border="1" |'''{{{Name}}}'''
> |- {{#if:
>From http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:ParserFunctions#Tables
Currently wiki pipe table syntax doesn't work inside conditionals, but there
are some workarounds," [workarounds listed there aren't particularly useful].
No idea how Wikia gets it to work, but there are two workarounds I can
recommend (used extensively on a genealogy site where both workarounds
are used (http://www.middleton-stjohns.com) after much trial and error:
1) Use css instead of tables
(well, this isn't a workaround - it's the "right" way :-)
2) Use Extension:Winter (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Winter)
Winter conditionals look like this:
{{#if||expr||true path||false path|}}
and it handles the pipe table syntax very well.
There is a third workaround (use HTML table syntax) but that isn't a
great solution...
HTH -- Frank Middleton
Hi all,
I tried to search for infos about the mailing function of MediaWiki and how
it could not work, but did not find any interesting answer, so I come
When I add a user, when on the connection panel I ask for a new password, or
whatever test, I get no mails... But the website tells me that everything is
OK, no error message is shown.
I have configured the $wgEmergencyContact and $wgPasswordSender parameters.
I think this comes from the configuration of my server but I have no direct
access to it.
Do you think it comes from the php mail() function ? Is there a way to skip
it ?
I've tried to look into the UserMailer.php, it seems to use the PEAR mail
function, but I couldn't find where to try to fix something...
Thanks for any help !
Regards, Rmatt