I am trying to port my wiki on a new computer. To do this I simply
dumped by database and then recreated it on my new database on the new
computer. I then tried to simply run the install script from a fresh
wiki installation. I get the following error:
A database error has occurred
Query: INSERT INTO `old`
_timestamp,inverse_timestamp) SELECT
timestamp,99999999999999-cur_timestamp FROM `cur` WHERE
cur_namespace='8' AND cur_title='1movedto2'
Function: Article::quickEdit
Error: 1146 Table 'wikidb.old' doesn't exist (localhost)
The entire installation script appears as follows:
...linkscc table already exists.
...hitcounter table already exists.
...querycache table already exists.
...objectcache table already exists.
...categorylinks table already exists.
...logging table already exists.
...user_rights table already exists.
...have ipb_id field in ipblocks table.
...have ipb_expiry field in ipblocks table.
...have rc_type field in recentchanges table.
...have rc_ip field in recentchanges table.
...have rc_id field in recentchanges table.
...have rc_patrolled field in recentchanges table.
...have user_real_name field in user table.
...have user_token field in user table.
...have ur_user field in user_rights table.
...have log_params field in logging table.
...have ss_total_pages field in site_stats table.
...already have interwiki table
...indexes seem up to 20031107 standards
...linkscc is up to date, or does not exist. Good.
Converting links table to ID-ID...
Schema already converted
...image primary key already set.
Logging table has correct title encoding.
...cur_id covering index already exists.
Initialising "MediaWiki" namespace...
A database error has occurred
Query: INSERT INTO `old`
_timestamp,inverse_timestamp) SELECT
timestamp,99999999999999-cur_timestamp FROM `cur` WHERE
cur_namespace='8' AND cur_title='1movedto2'
Function: Article::quickEdit
Error: 1146 Table 'wikidb.old' doesn't exist (localhost)
GlobalFunctions.php line 524 calls wfBacktrace()
Database.php line 383 calls wfDebugDieBacktrace()
Database.php line 333 calls Database::reportQueryError()
Database.php line 1203 calls Database::query()
Article.php line 2134 calls Database::insertSelect()
InitialiseMessages.inc line 192 calls Article::quickEdit()
InitialiseMessages.inc line 78 calls initialiseMessagesReal()
updaters.inc line 218 calls initialiseMessages()
index.php line 539 calls do_all_updates()
Can anyone help me out or suggest a better way of porting my wiki over?