WikimediaIndia-l October 2009
  • 13 participants
  • 12 discussions
IT@School introduces
by Jyothis Edathoot 30 Oct '09

30 Oct '09
Wikipedia and
by CherianTinu Abraham 27 Oct '09

27 Oct '09
Making wikipedia more relevant to your needs
by Mahitgar from Marathi Wikipedia 24 Oct '09

24 Oct '09

13 Oct '09
Re: [Wikimediaindia-l] Wikipedia meetup - Oct 11
by CherianTinu Abraham 13 Oct '09

13 Oct '09
Online encyclopedia in Kannada
by Shiju Alex 06 Oct '09

06 Oct '09
FW: my querry has remained unanswered for long
by Mahitgar from Marathi Wikipedia 06 Oct '09

06 Oct '09
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