resumo: serĉata aktivulo por partopreni renkontiĝon en Estonio en Septembro
Lastajare mi nome de ELiSo kaj VMSK partoprenis Vikimedian renkontiĝon de centra kaj orienta Eŭropo en Kijevo. Ĉi-jare la renkontiĝo okazos ekde la 10a ĝis la 13a de Septembro en Estonio. Detaloj:
EliSo estas denove konsiderata kiel unu el eblaj gastoj kaj ni jam estis petitaj pri niaj opinioj por programo. Mi baze menciis kelkajn niajn fortajn kaj malfortajn flankojn, niajn bezonojn kaj aferojn, kiujn ni povas provizi. Libere aldonu viajn opiniojn ĉe
Mi ankoraŭ ne scias kiu povos ricevi repagon de partopren-kostoj (fina versio de la monpeto estos publikigita ĝis fino de Julio). Estas tamen probable, ke mi partoprenos nome de Vikimedio Slovakio. Tio malfermas eblon por partopreno de plia ELiSano. Ĉu iu el vi, loĝanta en centra aŭ orienta Eŭropo, interesiĝas pri la renkontiĝo?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: attolippip Date: 2015-07-20 2:31 GMT+02:00 Subject: [WMCEE-l] CEE Meetup at Wikimania 2015: Notes (and DEADLINES!) To: A list for Wikimedians from Central and Eastern Europe <> Cc:
Dear all,
Yesterday we had a CEE Meetup at Wikimania 2015 [1]. The major topic discussed was *CEE Meeting 2015 in Estonia*. The Meeting is to take place in Estonia (September 10 - 13, 2015). The two contact persons to talk to about CEEM 2015 are Sven-Erik Soosaar and Kaarel Vaidla (CCed).
*Programme* In order to have a good programme, useful to the participants and to the community (and the movement in general), we need to have your inputs here [2] The *DEADLINE is July 26, 2015 (Sunday)*
The page Questions_and_Needs is to be updated with: - Input for the conference programme (valuable learnings, low cost project from the community) - Strengths (or what you are doing well) - Weaknesses (or what you could use help with) - Needs - Questions
We want to have a programme finalized by August 15, 2015, so both the speakers and participants can prepare for the sessions, have more time to think about the presentation, so it can be more practical to use (for example, to address the particular issues you are to have a short survey of the participants to have their inputs before the talk, to actually address the issues that they have).
We have agreed to have the CEEM 2015 programme committee to be more international, at least Poland, Ukraine and Macedonia expressed their desire to be a part of the Committee, taking into account their experience. We have also Cornelius Kibelka (CCed), Program and Engagement Coordinator for the Wikimedia Conference 2015. He is to attend the CEE Meeting and his inputs can be very useful for us. And we also want WMF attending, as there are some useful things they can teach us (and probably learn from us as well).
*Attending / Scholarships* Also some of us have to get a visa for Estonia, so we need to have the people interested in attending as soon as possible, thus the page Questions and Needs is also to be updated with interested in attending, the ones that can share the experience, have the questions and need that can be addressed. *Please strive to have everything done as soon as possible, do not wait for the last minute.* We have discussed having two scholarships per country/affiliate, but that can be a subject to change depending on the programme (and your inputs [2]!).
*Grant submission* The draft is to be published as soon as possible, so that CEE community can comment and add something, but no later than *July 31, 2015 (DEADLINE!)* We can help to review it, as a lot of us have the experience needed
We have also discussed there: *a) CEE Spring and CEE Camp* CEE Camp 2015 [3] will take place in Macedonia (July 31 - August 2) It may be a good idea to have the second edition of CEE Spring contest, but we are to plan it beforehand (to improve it, to make sure that the contest does not overlap with thematic weeks and other things going on, etc.) *b)* *Different ideas, sharing experience etc.* - Wiki Loves Beer - Wikisource international conference in Austria (please use WMCEE calendar page to add your events and projects [4]) - maybe having Wikimania 2018 in CEE region (a few affiliates joining) - etc.
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Best regards, antanana ED of Wikimedia Ukraine
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