There is a three part documentary series called "Lefties" starting tonight on BBC4 TV tonight at 9pm. The first external link on this page
is to
Nice to have a link to Wikipedia - but it would nicer still if the article was cleaned up today (or the cleanup notice removed?).
You could also question why the web producer at the BBC chose that particular link.
Very observant of you. However, as no-one watches BBC4, I can't see any issues arising:)
Gordon Joly wrote:
There is a three part documentary series called "Lefties" starting tonight on BBC4 TV tonight at 9pm. The first external link on this page
is to
Nice to have a link to Wikipedia - but it would nicer still if the article was cleaned up today (or the cleanup notice removed?).
You could also question why the web producer at the BBC chose that particular link.
At 11:49 +0000 8/2/06, Jon wrote:
Very observant of you. However, as no-one watches BBC4, I can't see any issues arising:)
Many TV programmes on BBC 4 will be seen in the "BBC4 on BBC2" slot!