At 11:03 +0100 18/9/09, Steve Bowbrick wrote:
>BBC Radio 4 is making a big 100-part radio series called A History of
>the World in 100 Objects.
>The production team would like to write a new Wikipedia entry about the
>series. Chris Thorne explains below why he thinks we need the article.
>You'll see that he references the new system here that uses Wikipedia as
>a controlled vocabulary for category and topic pages.
>Would it be legitimate to create a Wikipedia entry for the series? The
>series starts in the new year but is already moderately notable via some
>newspaper articles and information on the BBC and British Museum web
>What do you think?
No original research?
"Think Feynman"/////////
Hi all,
"I propose that a Celtic Wikipedia Project be undertaken to
significantly increase the number of articles available in the Celtic
Don't we already have a Celtic language Wikipedia? Looking around,
there seems to be a fair number of varieties of Celtic languages
[1] , including Gaelic and Welsh. Can anyone clarify this - perhaps
they were meaning Manx?
Would it be worth WMUK trying to get in contact with these groups,
and trying to assist them?
Hi all,
The following might be of interest:
Defamation on the internet: Ministry of Justice seeks your views:
Plan to update libel law for web:
Summary: "A debate on aspects of defamation law, and how it works in
the internet age, was launched today by the Ministry of Justice."
(found by @jackofkent on Twitter)
Thanks for raising this - good question.
My understanding is that a large proportion of members in Wikimedia Germany, for instance, are sleeping members who pay their dues and do nothing else. I don't think is particularly problematic - you will always end up with some variation of the 80:20 rule operating (passive and active participants) and to a large extent the more members and more income you have the better.
There are two specific issues with sleeping members: if, say, I got 50 friends to sign up just before the AGM, we could easily arrange to sweep the board election next year. This was a particular risk when the chapter was small when it was being started and may be a risk again after the fundraiser should we end up with large amounts of cash to spend. Lets not make it easy for people to abuse the process!
The other consequence is pretty minor in practice, but there are certain statutory requirements that relate to a proportion of the membership, such as:
- At least 10% of members have to be at the AGM to have a valid meeting
- Written resolutions require 50% of members to sign up
- 10% of the membership can require the directors to call an extraordinary general meeting
Having said all this, my view is that now would be an appropriate time to make the membership process easier - especially given our target of 100 members by the next AGM.
----- "Jarry1250" <jarry1250(a)> wrote:
> From: "Jarry1250" <jarry1250(a)>
> To: wikimediauk-l(a)
> Sent: Sunday, 20 September, 2009 16:55:14 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, Ireland, Portugal
> Subject: [Wikimediauk-l] Ease of becoming a member
> Hey all.
> Before the proper debate begins, I was just trying to work out my own
> views on how easy it should be for donors to officially join WMUK, it
> occurred to me that there is a huge black hole in my knowledge, and I
> was hoping someone might be able to fill it. Is there a /negative/
> effect related to having inactive ("freebie") members*, and do other
> projects keep track of how many of their members regularly contribute to
> discussions?
> Thanks,
> Jarry1250
> * i.e. those that were going to donate an amount equivalent to
> membership anyway.
> --
> Jarry1250
> _______________________________________________
> Wikimedia UK mailing list
> wikimediauk-l(a)
Hey all.
Before the proper debate begins, I was just trying to work out my own
views on how easy it should be for donors to officially join WMUK, it
occurred to me that there is a huge black hole in my knowledge, and I
was hoping someone might be able to fill it. Is there a /negative/
effect related to having inactive ("freebie") members*, and do other
projects keep track of how many of their members regularly contribute to
* i.e. those that were going to donate an amount equivalent to
membership anyway.
Please find copied below the minutes of the board meeting on Tuesday.
At the meeting we heard a report back from Mike Peel and Tom Holden from the "Pictures in Public" they had just attended, including discussions with people from the National Portrait Gallery. We discussed a lead from the St Helena Tourism Board who may want to get involved with Britain Loves Wikipedia or something similar.
We're keen to hear from anyone who can help us develop material to use in the Schools Project - please email Paul Williams (paul.williams(a) if you can help with that.
We've also started work on the Annual Wikimedia Fundraiser which is due to start on 1st November, and has great potential for attracting funds, members and interest in the chapter.
Any corrections, suggestion, comments as always welcome either to this email list, in reply to me personally or on the wiki.
Andrew Turvey
Wikimedia UK
Wikimedia UK is the operating name of Wiki UK Limited.
Wiki UK Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, Registered No. 6741827.
The Registered Office is at 23 Cartwright Way, Nottingham, NG9 1RL, United Kingdom.
Wikimedia UK Board meeting Tuesday 15th September 2009, 8:30pm BST at #wikimedia-uk-board
Present: Michael Peel (MP) (Chair); Andrew Turvey (AT) (minutes); Zeyi He (ZH); Paul Williams (PW) (part); Tom Holden (TH); Steve Virgin (SV)
Apologies: Joseph Seddon (JS)
[ edit ] Minutes of previous meetings
The minutes of the meeting dated 1 September was approved.
The following actions were carried forward:
1. AT will look into where we could produce branded merchandise.
2. MP to complete the press FAQs at Frequently Asked Questions
3. MP to work with SV to do mini press releases, no more than one per month, advertising spikes in traffic per WP:POPULAR related to particular news events.
4. PW will develop a proposal for buying a computer for the Schools Project with, potentially, peripherals such as a projector, screen, printer etc.
5. JS to draft an email for the Open Knowledge Foundation mailing list, to recruit new members.
6. AT to arrange printing of the business cards
7. MP to investigate moving our wiki at to subject to technical feasibility re Single User Logins and hosting, with as a potential alternative. Bug Report . Once this has been completed, MP to follow up with Wikimedia Ukraine regarding the "uk." website conflict.
8. AT agreed to investigate getting paid legal advice on charitable status, using the Foundation's offer to fund.
9. TH will update the Register of Members for members 29-32.
10. JS agreed to follow up with his contacts at the BBC Digital Revolution and click and get them in touch with the Workplace Learning Lunches.
11. AT agreed to draft a response to the supporter who wants to support us anonymously and circulate to the board.
12. MP agreed to investigate options for a Britain Loves Wikipedia domain name and recommend one to register.
13. AT agreed to contact each board member to complete the register of interests.
14. MP agreed to arrange CRB checks for board members and Schools Project volunteers once the funding reallocation had been agreed with the Foundation.
15. MP agreed to investigate moving our OTRS system to one hosted by ourselves to reduce the risk that confidential emails are inappropriately viewed by non-WMUK people or emails are sent in the name of the chapter without approval.
16. MP agreed to follow up with the foundation his request for detailed statistics on the proportion of UK internet users who use Wikipedia.
17. PW and MP agreed to complete and distribute the September newsletter.
[ edit ] Matters arising
PW and SV have emailed round lists of press contacts; it was agreed these would be added to
There was a discussion on the date of the monthly newsletter - at the start, middle or end of the month and it was agreed this would be continued on the board mailing list.
[ edit ] Reports
[ edit ] Secretary's Report
The Secretary's Report was noted. Unfortunately no one was able to meet with the Wikipedia Loves Art winner who's visiting London so AT agreed to reply with our apologies.
[ edit ] Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer's Report was noted which showed net unrestricted funds of £104.07.
[ edit ] Chair's Report
The Chair's Report was noted.
The Board agreed that MP should continue the dialogue with the National Portrait Gallery that was started at the Pictures in Public conference, keeping the Foundation informed of progress.
The Board also agreed that MP could install anti-comment spam "Akismet" on the Blog.
[ edit ] Initiatives Report
The Initiatives Report was noted, with a correction that the Postal museum is not yet confirmed.
Note: the Conferences Report was delayed until JS' arrival
[ edit ] Corporate Report
The Corporate Report was noted. SV has been talking to an agent of the St Helena Tourism Board regarding the Wikipedia Loves Art concept. MP agreed to phone SV to discuss further.
SV is also following up a lead with Child Wise, who run a project for Hackney council. It was suggested we should try to train the teachers rather direct teaching children, to avoid child protection barriers.
MP agreed to send SV the names of the BBC people he had spoken to at the Pictures in Public conference for the Workplaces Lunches initiative.
SV agreed to refer the approach from a commercial database company to Kul at the Foundation.
[ edit ] Volunteers Report
The Volunteers Report was noted.
[ edit ] Brighton Seminar
A message to the email list mentioned a free copyright seminar in Brighton at the end of the month. It was agreed in principle that the free content conference monies could be used for this and that JS would be asked to take the lead with this, making recommendations to the board by email which will be approved unless someone objects within 24 hours. AT agreed to approach JS and detailed mechanics will be discussed further by email.
[ edit ] Initiatives
[ edit ] Schools project
PW raised a concern that he needed more help developing content for this project as he can't do it on his own. PW agreed to drop an email to the schools email list setting out what's needed. ZH offered to help and will phone PW to discuss.
PW left the meeting
[ edit ] Workplace learning lunches
As discussed under the corporate report, there are problems progressing this with the BBC so SV will try an alternative approach. The timeline and budget are still outstanding.
[ edit ] Britain Loves Wikipedia
V&A have confirmed that they will participate and host the opening event.
[ edit ] AOB
[ edit ] Merchandising
Permission has been received from the Foundation to use their logos for merchandise . AT started an email thread discussing what kind of merchandise people would buy which threw up some good ideas. AT agreed to investigate printing on demand T-shirts and advertise on the wiki, email list, blog, twitter and facebook. (see previous action)
[ edit ] In person board meeting
The date of 10th October was confirmed; MP will confirm attendance and make further arrangements over email.
[ edit ] Fundraising drive
AT agreed to send an email regarding the main issues that need agreement on the Fundraising Agreement.
Other tasks identified included the donation content page including our list of proposed activities, publicity and the transfer of funds. MP suggested we set up a wiki page. Further discussion will take place at the next meeting.
ACTION: MP [ edit ] Next meeting
The next meeting was set for Tuesday 29th September, 8:30pm, #wikimedia-uk-board
Meeting closed at 22:55
Yes, this weekend. Open House London will no doubt be on the agenda
for some of us as well!
>Subject: [netsquared-31] Charity Hack Event this Weekend
>Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 09:15:35 -0400
>From: Farhan Rehman <farhan(a)>
>Reply-To: netsquared-31(a)
>To: netsquared-31(a)
>Hi EveryoneJust wanted to let you all know about an event happening this
>weekend in Richmond. It's being hosted by Paypal, and includes JustGiving
>and Mission Fish.
>It's called Charity Hack. You can find more details at
><>The event is scheduled to run all day Saturday and
>Sunday (19th and 20th September).
>If you do plan on coming, be sure to sign up on the registration page.
>Also, if you could forward this on to other people who you think might be
>interested, I'd appreciate it.
>Many thanks
>Farhan Rehman
>Read my ideas -
>Follow my thoughts -
"Think Feynman"/////////
Hi all,
The next board meeting is this evening; Tuesday 15 September 2009,
8.30-10.30pm BST, in the #wikimedia-uk-board channel on, with discussion in #wikimedia-uk. Everyone is more
than welcome to attend. If you don't have an IRC client, then you can
connect using .
The agenda is at
Board members: please confirm whether you'll be present or not on the
agenda page, and please post your reports onto the wiki (links are on
the agenda). It's especially important for you to post a report
beforehand if you won't be present at the meeting...
Mike Peel
> A restriction to "members-only merchandise" is wrong, doubly so with current
> low membership levels. When you're talking about a 10k+ member base, then I
> can see a point to members-exclusive merchandise; this complementing a range
> of items available to the wider public.
I agree. The only thing is to add really is that branded T-Shirts might
be good for WMUK people to wear at (informal) events where they
represent the friendly face of Wikipedia. But the market is far, far too
small at this moment in time. By the way, are there WMUK T-Shirts on
Cafepress? Better to let them handle things at the moment, even at a