You'll have to forgive me for *really* not understanding how a few simple question for information from a number of people on the background of the company treasurer which provides him with the experience for the position is "trolling / stalking".
There's a couple of things that has been asked for that I can immediately recall.
First, who Paul is on-wiki. Considering we are talking about a Director (and if it ever get charitable status, trustee) of a Wikimedia Chapter, is an entirely reasonable question.
Secondly, one or more of the organisation for which Paul worked for in a financial capacity in the past prior to taking up the position of treasurer. You'll have to forgive those of us who isn't satisfied with a mere "I was financial controller / manager for multi-million £ company / PLCs, but we're not going to tell you who those companies are, just trust us", especially given the state of the company at the moment.
No one (AFAIK) is asking for personal details and what not, only basic details that will assure them that the company treasurer does indeed have the experience for the position.
His on-wiki identity, at the very least.
As I said above, this repeated calling for what is, in every sense, unnecessary information - from a legal standpoint
Well, a number of different people obviously seems to disagree with you that providing some substantiation to the claimed experience is unnecessary. I'll be more worried if there's no one that want that basic assurance.
If I claim (as is true) that I have been a charity trustee / (subsidiary) company director, I would wholly expect to have to answer the question "which charity / company".