Hi folks,
Apologies for cross-posting...
This Friday 29th April (1-5pm) marks our 60th monthly Wikipedia ‘Women in Red’ meetup! You can read about 5 years’ of the University of Edinburgh’s Wikipedia editing work tackling gender bias online in this new open access book: Wikipedia and Academic Librarieshttps://www.fulcrum.org/epubs/s4655j732?locale=en#/6/48[Ch13]!/4[bodymatter]/2/2[_16034-0039_ch013]/2/1:0
“You and your students can dramatically affect the most popular and important reference work in the world”
Editing will be on creating new pages about the women missing from our search results as currently only 19.23% of biographies on English Wikipedia are about women but you’re also more than welcome to edit on any subject e.g. recent new pages inc. Raptor persecutionhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raptor_persecution and the Loch Lomond Wandererhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loch_Lomond_wanderer.
* Training for any new or less experienced editors will take place from 1pm-2:15pm, and then you can apply these valuable new digital research skills by writing new articles of 50-100 words (or more) which we’ll publish by the end of the afternoon. An excellent CPD opportunity 😊
* Come for the initial training at 1pm and stay as long as you like to experience how fun, satisfying and tangibly impactful it is to contribute to the knowledge freely available online via the 8th most visited site in the UK, and 9th most visited globally (rankings by Alexa).
Eventbrite signup here: tinyurl.com/WikiWorkshop29Aprilhttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/women-in-red-event-adding-inspiring-women-missing-from-wikipedia-tickets-306433710477
NB: Yes, anyone can edit but you have to cite what you write and editing Wikipedia inside or outside the curriculum is a free and impactful way of improving the information available online to improve global understanding of topics and make for a more inclusive and representative internet. Quick facts about Wikipedia at 21 years old.https://www.ed.ac.uk/information-services/help-consultancy/is-skills/wikimedia/down-the-rabbit-hole-of-knowledge
Current projects supported by the Wikimedia residency.
* Digital Volunteering with Wikipediahttps://www.ed.ac.uk/information-services/help-consultancy/is-skills/edinburgh-award/digital-volunteering-wikipedia – the Edinburgh Award. * Improving LGBT History, Gender History and Black History online – current Student Experience Grant project. * Improving the Map of Accused Witches in Scotlandhttp://witches.is.ed.ac.uk/ – new internships this Summer. * Adding images of Islamic Art to Wikipediahttps://www.teaching-matters-blog.ed.ac.uk/editing-wikipedia-stars-robots-and-talismans-honours-course/ – Dr. Glaire Anderson, History of Art UG programme. * Global Health Challenges Pg Onlinehttps://www.teaching-matters-blog.ed.ac.uk/editing-live-wikipedia-pages-assessing-students-through-oer-creation/ – improving topic coverage of natural & manmade disasters. * 5 new case studies to be added to our Wikimedia in UK education booklethttps://open.ed.ac.uk/wikimedia-in-education/. * 5 Wikimedia related podcast episodes in the Teaching Matters serieshttps://www.teaching-matters-blog.ed.ac.uk/tag/wikimedia-series/
Feel free to attend on Friday and feel free to suggest future collaborations. The Wikimedia residency is a free Information Services resource available to all staff and students. Curious? Here’s our websitehttps://www.ed.ac.uk/information-services/help-consultancy/is-skills/wikimedia/wikipedia and a 7 min video<7%20min%20video%20on%20how%20to%20write%20an%20article.> on how to write a Wikipedia page which our student intern won an Open Education Global awardhttps://awards.oeglobal.org/awards/2021/student/hannah-rothmann/ for, among other brilliant work on making Wikipedia’s how & why easier to engage with in Higher Education.
Best wishes,
Ewan McAndrew Wikimedian in Residence
Website for the residencyhttps://www.ed.ac.uk/information-services/help-consultancy/is-skills/wikimedia and Map of Accused Witches sitehttp://witches.is.ed.ac.uk/ Email: ewan.mcandrew@ed.ac.ukmailto:ewan.mcandrew@ed.ac.uk Blog: WiR bloghttps://thinking.is.ed.ac.uk/wir/ Tel: 07867 593450 Subscribe to the Scotwiki mailing listhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctpnDjO_PHZeOTrA0yjtVLqE4oDfjLtYhWzQVTwk712BSJJQ/viewform My working hours are 10am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Wikipedia Project Page: Wikipedia:University_of_Edinburghhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:University_of_Edinburgh Media Hopper channel: Videos and video tutorialshttps://media.ed.ac.uk/channel/Wikimedian%2Bin%2BResidence%2BChannel/51020161 YouTube: Wikimedian in Residence channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSDRSVKM4ceUSPI-7-BFeoQ?view_as=subscriber Wikimedia in Education: New booklet of UK Case Studieshttps://open.ed.ac.uk/wikimedia-in-education/ Join Wikimedia in Scotlandhttps://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Wikimedia_in_Scotland events and UoE eventshttps://www.events.ed.ac.uk/index.cfm?eventssearch=wikipedia&event=search&eventStart=0&eventProviderId=&cw_inChannelLink=1&cw_passThrough=marked.
The University of Edinburgh, Floor H (West), Argyle House, 3 Lady Lawson Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DR. www.ed.ac.ukhttp://www.ed.ac.uk/
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.