2008/7/21 Tom Holden thomas.holden@gmail.com:
Also what level of support can we expect from you and the rest of the board in a Wikimania bid (Oxford or elsewhere)? WM UK obviously stand to benefit substantially were we successful (donations, media attention etc.) but for this to happen we certainly need all the help we could get.
I suspect the thing WMUK can mostly offer at present is the name and any magic pixie dust powers that might be perceived to have - the address, "supported by," etc. Which is pretty good really. And a line to WMF. (The Wikimania judges are, I'm afraid, utterly incorruptible, but if you need the WMF being fluffy in an appropriately nonfavouritist way it's feasible to some extent. I think.)
- d.
It would be helpful for WM UK to handle the income and expenses related to the conference.
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 23:24:53 +0100> From: dgerard@gmail.com> To: wikimediauk-l@lists.wikimedia.org> Subject: Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Wikimedia UK - situation> > 2008/7/21 Tom Holden thomas.holden@gmail.com:> > > Also what level of support can we expect from you and the rest of the board> > in a Wikimania bid (Oxford or elsewhere)? WM UK obviously stand to benefit> > substantially were we successful (donations, media attention etc.) but for> > this to happen we certainly need all the help we could get.> > > I suspect the thing WMUK can mostly offer at present is the name and> any magic pixie dust powers that might be perceived to have - the> address, "supported by," etc. Which is pretty good really. And a line> to WMF. (The Wikimania judges are, I'm afraid, utterly incorruptible,> but if you need the WMF being fluffy in an appropriately> nonfavouritist way it's feasible to some extent. I think.)> > > - d.> > _______________________________________________> Wikimedia UK mailing list> wikimediauk-l@wikimedia.org> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_UK%3E http://mail.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediauk-l
_________________________________________________________________ The John Lewis Clearance - save up to 50% with FREE delivery http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/101719806/direct/01/
2008/7/21 joseph seddon life_is_bitter_sweet@hotmail.co.uk:
It would be helpful for WM UK to handle the income and expenses related to the conference.
I think the WMF usually handles that side of things, once a venue is chosen. WM UK might be able to help be receiving tax deductible donations once that charitable status is set up.