You may remember that we submitted a response to an "Issues Paper" from the Intellectual Property Office back in February.
They have now published the results of their "stakeholder events" they held - see link below.
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: "Tom Holden" To: "WMUK Board" Sent: Monday, 22 June, 2009 14:05:56 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, Ireland, Portugal Subject: IPO Reports
I’m not sure if people had seen this, but it seems the Phase 1 IPO reports are now available. (Not quite sure why we weren’t invited to any of the stakeholder events, but oh well.) They seem broadly sensible (at least from the executive summary).
2009/6/22 Andrew Turvey
You may remember that we submitted a response to an "Issues Paper" from the Intellectual Property Office back in February.
They have now published the results of their "stakeholder events" they held
- see link below.
Comments at the end of page 16 of the CIO final report suggest odds of getting a law allowing the equiverlent of a bridgeman library vs coral corp decision is limited.
The repeated bringing up of moral rights is at best worrying.
The comment on page 22 about needing to understand several acts back to 1911 is a little odd. This is true of US law but not so much of UK law.
The stuff about digital fingerprinting on page 24 is somewhat amusing.
Slashdot regulars will be pleased to hear that page 25 contains a car analogy.