I've put together a proposed tempate for sending round everyone who's previously expressed an interest in the chapter but hasn't joined up yet.
It's at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:AndrewRT/WMUK#Join_up_template
Please let me know if yu have any suggestions for improvements.
"Content liberation" is a really bad phrase to use -- we're not liberating it, we're working with institutions to make the content more widely available. I've rewritten the project outline to try to make this clearer... (will do more work on this when I'm more awake!)
Unless someone beats me too it, I'll rework the main page at some point - it really needs to look a lot better than it does now! As a result, it might be best to have a separate page for "keep in touch".
I'd also comment that anyone can come along to the AGM - they don't have to be a member - although if they want to participate properly then they obviously do need to be a member.
On 8 Apr 2009, at 23:48, AndrewRT wrote:
I've put together a proposed tempate for sending round everyone who's previously expressed an interest in the chapter but hasn't joined up yet.
It's at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:AndrewRT/ WMUK#Join_up_template
Please let me know if yu have any suggestions for improvements.
Wikimedia UK mailing list wikimediauk-l@wikimedia.org http://mail.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediauk-l WMUK: http://uk.wikimedia.org