Interesting information below.
It would be great if they could come up with a form of "Crown Commons" that was compatible with our licenses rather than ending up with something like the BBC's creative license.
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: "Steve Virgin" To: "WMUK" Sent: Friday, 19 June, 2009 14:05:28 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, Ireland, Portugal Subject: worth watching
New Infomation Advisor
by Richard 9. June 2009 12:40
First off a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to our earlier post on what a service might look like in the UK .
The big news for us is that Tim Berners-Lee has agreed to help the UK government make our information more open and accessible on the web - part of a drive towards letting the data about public services be public and open.
This work will be building on the work of the Power of Information Taskforce and their report . The Digital Engagement team are delighted to be supporting Tim in his work.
A few of the things he and his panel of technical and delivery experts will doing are:
· overseeing the creation of a single online point of access and work with departments to make this part of their routine operations.
· helping to select and implement common standards for the release of public data
· developing Crown Copyright and 'Crown Commons' licenses and extending these to the wider public sector
· driving the use of the internet to improve consultation processes.
· working with the Government to engage with the leading experts internationally working on public data and standards
This is strengthening the oversight, challenge and insight available as we drive the Digital Engagement agenda forward.
Steve Virgin
Media Consultant
Dow Jones Insight
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At 01:19 +0100 22/6/09, Andrew Turvey wrote:
Interesting information below.
It would be great if they could come up with a form of "Crown Commons" that was compatible with our licenses rather than ending up with something like the BBC's creative license.
A fudge. BBC's licence has limitation, and Crown has limitations...