Dear all,
Please help us shape Wikimedia UK's work for 2013!
At the Board meeting on Thursday, we felt that we need more creative ideas to put into the 2013 plan, as what we currently have is a bit too similar to the 2012 Activity Plan. Every Board member has committed to coming up with at least one new idea for a way to spend £10,000 productively. But we would also like you all to join in! Please submit your ideas, here:
These should be ideas which are *create impac*t, rather than being internal matters like governance or fundraising. Please also think about the likely *resource implication*. E.g. "Hold Editathons at 50 museums" is a great idea, what would we need to make it happen in terms of money, volunteer time, or staff time? And don't be afraid to think big. We will refine, filter and prioritise ideas at a later date, as well as thinking about what resources and structures we need to make more cool things happen, but at the moment we just need more ideas down on-wiki.
Many thanks,