Got a call on Friday from Fiona Tatton from Womanthology. She was interested in talking to someone who's worked on improving representation of women in Wikipedia, and editing Wikipedia.
Coverage is basically talking to individuals about what they do.
I'm pretty sure this'll be a positive for our work ...
Best method: look at the site, if you'd like to be there then go to the contact form.
(She left a phone message with Lucy, but I said I'd forward something here too.)
- d.
==== Great speaking to you just now. Thank you for your time. As discussed, I work on Womanthology, a digital magazine that champions positive female role models and challenges the stereotypes of what it means to be a ‘successful’ woman today. Please have a look:
I’m working on a Women of History issue - I’m interested in representation of historical female figures and the way editathons are being used to highlight the achievements of women who have been previously overlooked. ====