As I understand the where we are (based on a discussion with Andrew about this last Monday), we have yet to hear anything formal back from ChapCom (definitely nothing that's gone around to all board members), but the formation of Wiki UK Limited is going ahead anyway. This is on the basis that we can modify the MoA/AoA with a Special Resolution, requiring 75% of members - but as only the 5 board members are members to start with this should be pretty easy to do. Any changes can then be submitted to Company House by the Secretary only, which means that we wouldn't have to meet in person again.
So long as we don't start accepting members before we hear back from ChapCom, I believe that we're fine, and that we're going at a fast - but not too fast - speed towards getting WMUK2 up and running.
On 3 Nov 2008, at 02:05, Thomas Dalton wrote:
I'm a little confused about where we currently stand. Has chapcom approved the Mem and Arts yet? If not, is there a risk we'll have to change them after the submission to Companies House? It's great that things are moving forward, I'm just a little concerned that they may be going *too* quickly.
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