2008/9/15 Turvey, Andrew Andrew.Turvey@alliance-leicester.co.uk
*Thomas Dalton* *thomas.dalton at gmail.com*<wikimediauk-l%40lists.wikimedia.org?Subject=%5BWikimediauk-l%5D%20nominated%20candidates&In-Reply-To=29ebb7390809150756r38def9e2g4998018c7e94f8ba%40mail.gmail.com> Wrote: 2008/9/15 Ian A. Holton <*poeloq at gmail.com*https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediauk-l
- Just a quick question: who actually gets to vote?*
The plan is to allow pretty much anyone that wants to to vote. The election committee will give us the details soon, I imagine, but anyone can add themselves as a potential member and there's no reason not to allow all potential members to vote, so that means anyone can vote. The only thing to be decided, I think, is whether or not to impose a deadline on adding yourself to the membership list prior to the election. I see little point in that myself, but it may make things simpler for the committee.
Ultimately it is up to the election committee. This page here: * http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_UK_v2.0/Candidate_FAQs#What_are_the... *http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_UK_v2.0/Candidate_FAQs#What_are_the_election_rules.3Fstates that the voters are those people who signed their name as "guarantor members" or "supporters" but doesn't give a deadline for signing up and I can't remember where it came from anyway.
I suggest a deadline of 13 September so that we're encouraging people to sign up to participate, not just signing up to vote!
*Andrew Turvey*
Given that the 13th September is three days ago, I would strongly object. I have only just got round to adding my name and would like to participate. It is not even remotely fair to retroactively limit the electorate in the way you suggest. I agree a deadline could be useful, but it should be discussed or at least announced in *advance* of the cut-off date.
James Hardy MrWeeble