Possibly of interest to those in Scotland:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Cheryl Brown Cheryl.Brown@glasgow.ac.uk Date: 17 November 2014 15:37 Subject: Business Archives Council for Scotland: Records at Risk To: "busarch@gla.ac.uk" busarch@gla.ac.uk
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A reminder to subscribers that there are still places available for the Business Archives Council for Scotland 'Records at Risk' training event on 20th November.
Dear all,
The Business Archives Council for Scotland (BACS) & Archives and Records Association (ARA) Scotland will be hosting a training day event on 20th November 2014, which will explore threats to business archives: insolvency, disaster and digital loss. The event will take place in the Talklab, Level 3, University of Glasgow Library, Hillhead Street, Glasgow at 10am.
The annual Joan Auld Lecture, founded in memory of Dundee's first University Archivist, is titled 'The Work of an Insolvency Practitioner' will be given by KMPG Insolvency Practitioner, Gary Fraser. The talk will provide insights from a business perspective about business failure and how to work with insolvency professionals to secure the preservation of business archives.
The day will also include the Business Archives Council for Scotland (BACS) AGM.
Full details of the programme are outlined below:
Records at Risk
This training day event has been organised by the Business Archives Council of Scotland (BACS) and the Archives and Records Association (ARA) Scotland. It will explore threats to business collections - insolvency, disaster and digital loss.
10:00 Registration and welcome (tea and coffee)
10:30 Records at Risk: Digital Loss - William Kilbride, Digital Preservation Coalition
11:10 Records at Risk: Business Failure - Cheryl Brown, Business Archives Surveying Officer for Scotland
11:50 Records at Risk: Disasters - Linda Ramsay, National Records of Scotland
12:30 Business Archives Council of Scotland (BACS) AGM
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Joan Auld lecture*: The Work of an Insolvency Practitioner - Gary Fraser, KPMG
15:00 Discussion and case studies (Stoddard-Templeton Collection and Standard Life Archive)
15:45 Finish
Lunch is included, to book your place on the Records at Risk training day through Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/records-at-risk-and-joan-auld-lecture-tickets...
Tickets are free to BACS members, students £7 and non BACS members £10.
If you wish to convert your £10 ticket into a year's membership of BACS on the day, please speak to BACS organisers and this can be arranged.
Please email any details of dietary requirements to bacs@archives.gla.ac.uk
For more information about the work of the Business Archives Council for Scotland, please visit http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/archives/bacs/ For information about the work of the Archives and Records Association (ARA) Scotland http://www.archives.org.uk/
Cheryl Brown Business Archives Surveying Officer for Scotland
e: Cheryl.Brown@glasgow.ac.uk t: 01505 328488 www.scottisharchives.org.uk/surveyingofficer
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