2009/1/14 AndrewRT raturvey@yahoo.co.uk:
After the Board meeting yesterday we had an interesting conversation in the IRC about whether different people would stand for election. As someone said, we have agreed on seven places on the Board, but will we get seven candidates??
This got me thinking - how can we encourage people to put themselves forward for the Board? Personally I particularly want to encourage people who may have skills in particular areas - media relations, event organisation, charity administration etc. They might not have a huge amount of time to dedicate to the organisation but would be very useful in getting the chapter making the right decisions! It's also great to get people involved who might have lots of energy, lots of time and lots of new ideas to bring to the table.
Any thoughts?
I think the first thing we need to do is make sure people know what the job entails. Few people will apply for a job if they don't know what will be expected of them. Unfortunately, we don't really know what the job will entail until some of us have actually done it for a bit (the current board have a rather different job to that which future boards will have). Perhaps we should ask some board members from other chapters what they get up to? How much time they spend on chapter stuff, in particular.