It is my understanding that the Chair is one of many on a board of Trustees.
Yes, this is the case. The Chair is the Chair of the Board of Trustees and, if you look in our constitution, you will see that the post actually has very few powers or responsibilities except chairing board meetings.
The current issue is Fae. The last time I started to rant, it was about Roger Bamkin, and Monmouthpedia. In the latter case, he stood down as Chair for discussions about Monmouthpedia. For me, that does not cut the mustard. As a Trustee, there are very strict rules about gaining financially from projects which are run under the umbrella of a charity. I am informed no rules have been broken.
All trustees record any relevant interests in public and recuse themselves from discussions where there are any conflicts of interest. This is in line with Charity Commission guidance.
I am not sure there is any more to say on the matter.
Chris Chair, Wikimedia UK