Hello everyone.
The House of Lords has established a Digital Skills Committee and has called for evidence. The investigation will explore how the UK can be prepared to compete in a global digital economy, examining issues such as whether we're developing a workforce that is appropriately skilled for the future in jobs that may not yet exist, and how we are encouraging people of all ages to choose careers which will benefit the future digital era. The call for evidence can be found here http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/lords-select/digital-skills-committee/news/digital-skills-call-for-evidence/
Wikimedia UK should consider making a submission to this committee on this issue. Among the many groups they are asking to submit, they include four that are of relevance: technology companies [or charities], digital literacy groups, civil society and lifelong learning organisations. There is plenty of time for us to make a submission as the consultation closes on 5 September. Perhaps a burst of activity after Wikimania?
Thank you,