On 29 April 2012 13:46, Deryck Chan deryckchan@gmail.com wrote:
On this issue I would argue along the same lines as I did on accepting in-kind donations: We have trustees for a reason - to exercise their human wisdom on things that are not absolutely black and white! If they aren't given the freedom to pursue the objectives of WMUK their way, we may as well have robots on the board.
Just to clarify, Gordon wasn't quoting WMUK's objects. They are quite specific and can be read here:
Objects that give the trustees the discretion to doing anything charitable are typical for family foundations that just make grants to other charities. It's really no different to the wealthy individual making donations directly, it's just more convenient in terms of tax relief (you get it immediately but can decide later what charities to donate to, and can avoid inheritance tax if leaving money to charity in your will).