Hi Andy (and all)
Thanks for your patience with this.
Having been in touch with someone from the community tech team at WMF my understanding is that the Sharing QR Codes feature https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com/?d=wikimedia.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9tZXRhLndpa2ltZWRpYS5vcmcvd2lraS9Db21tdW5pdHlfV2lzaGxpc3RfU3VydmV5XzIwMjMvQWRkX2FiaWxpdHlfdG9fc2hhcmVfUVJfY29kZV9mb3JfYV9wYWdlX2luX2FueV9XaWtpbWVkaWFfcHJvamVjdA==&i=NjVhZmE0ZjY3MDExZmY1Y2Q3NDE3Yjdi&t=dTZJeGtVV1lIRzZRanJ3VnhDcmE3elMxU2s2ZjRxMDdXZVV6dXFkNkRZUT0=&h=16e2f9cd90c8407a9a35a7f5aff42f30&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVYZ8Y55zYn76-gSGCuqNMl_Bt3NetdomO197hKIbz9dKg - which extends Special:UrlShortener https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com/?d=mediawiki.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWF3aWtpLm9yZy93aWtpL0V4dGVuc2lvbjpVcmxTaG9ydGVuZXI=&i=NjVhZmE0ZjY3MDExZmY1Y2Q3NDE3Yjdi&t=amlQbFJSSmJVNGgxU0xoa244TFZETnZVZ2hiT0didUlPWTdtWkRRdEdnWT0=&h=16e2f9cd90c8407a9a35a7f5aff42f30&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVYZ8Y55zYn76-gSGCuqNMl_Bt3NetdomO197hKIbz9dKg to add QR code generation - solves a different problem to QRpedia and is probably going to be used by a different audience. For example, the QR share feature doesn’t automatically identify language variants, and is really just another way of sharing a w.wiki short URL. Given that context it makes sense to me that QRpedia wasn’t referenced in the announcement (although I note that it came up at proposal stage, and appreciate your comments in that discussion).
Please let me know if you are aware of any current issues with QRpedia. There were some problems last summer which a volunteer very kindly fixed.
All best
On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 at 12:40, Lucy Crompton-Reid < lucy.crompton-reid@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
Hi Andy
Thanks for highlighting - I'll follow that up with the tech team at WMF.
Could you be more specific about what sort of update you're looking for re QRpedia?
Best Lucy
On Mon, 29 Jan 2024 at 22:59, Andy Mabbett andy@pigsonthewing.org.uk wrote:
The latest tech news says:
On February 1, a link will be added to the "Tools" menu to download a QR code that links to the page you are viewing. There will also be a new Special:QrCode page to create QR codes for any Wikimedia URL. This addresses the #19 most-voted wish from the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey.
With no mention of QRpedia.
While we're on the topic, can we have an update about QRpedia, please?
-- Andy Mabbett @pigsonthewing http://pigsonthewing.org.uk https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com?d=pigsonthewing.org.uk&u=aHR0cDovL3BpZ3NvbnRoZXdpbmcub3JnLnVr&i=NjVhZmE0ZjY3MDExZmY1Y2Q3NDE3Yjdi&t=djFsK0VnVVlRWC9RZisrazdHaVFETXNvV3Vud201TlBBbWdQU21LOU01UT0=&h=c3c76f9037eb4387b9bcf64b87fe6923&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVZaFAaacHBa1XXlgRscq_crzoGlUi68xQtfbYwMm-_cdbNaheb163x6NaWPPdLeY2s _______________________________________________ Wikimedia UK mailing list wikimediauk-l@wikimedia.org
https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com?d=wikimedia.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9saX... WMUK: https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com?d=wikimedia.org.uk&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9...
-- Lucy Crompton-Reid Chief Executive