Well if you've got the patience, you could go through the recent changes, isolate it to the template namespace, and look for recent reverts and protections. But tracking it down the day after it's happened strikes as a bit like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted.
________________________________ From: Richard Symonds richard.symonds@wikimedia.org.uk To: UK Wikimedia mailing list wikimediauk-l@lists.wikimedia.org Sent: Friday, 8 June 2012, 13:59 Subject: Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Main page seen by library users - where is Wikipedia?
All I know is that it's from the 188. range, which is used by a few people with a grudge against Wikipedia. I really need to know what template was vandalised to be able to give the checkusers the info they need to track it all down.
Richard Symonds Wikimedia UK 0207 065 0992 Disclaimer viewable at http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia:Email_disclaimer%C2%A0 Visit http://www.wikimedia.org.uk/%C2%A0and @wikimediauk
On 8 June 2012 13:45, Deryck Chan deryckchan@gmail.com wrote:
On 8 June 2012 12:38, Andrew West andrewcwest@gmail.com wrote:
On 7 June 2012 20:08, Andy Mabbett andy@pigsonthewing.org.uk wrote:
wonder how many of those were accessing the site from public computers
in libraries, and what the librarians thought about Wikipedia when library users notified them of the porn on the Elizabeth II page.
Get the IP (I gather it's an IP user who vandalised the template), reverse WHOIS it, report the issue to ISP / library / school / wherever that IP user belongs.
Last year I had fun kicking up some fuss when an IP editor from Oxford University vandalised an article about my Cambridge college ;)
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