On 10 January 2012 22:21, Edward at Logic Museum edward@logicmuseum.com wrote:
This is missing the point. This is all about a British Museum event I signed up to attend some time ago, before the UKCC thing blew up. When other involved persons signed up I had it on my 'to do' list to remove my signature, conscious of the fact that it would have been embarrassing or difficult. I would have had no problem if I had been privately contacted and the matter discreetly handled.
Note my interest in the Royal manuscript collection derives from my interest in Walter Burley, who I have translated.
Instead, I find my name bandied about on this public list, being accused of 'harassment' like a common thug or criminal. I deeply resent this and I would like an apology. I have no problem with a voluntary agreement.
I would like an apology, and a retraction of the accusation of 'harassment'. I don't go in for 'outing' particularly, although I think trustees and senior Wikipedians have an obligation to be publicly identifiable. And note my earlier comments about photography - only with permission, if at all.
Edward is banned from editing most of the WMUK wiki, he is not blocked from his user talk page so an appeal could take place there
I don't want to appeal anything. I simply want a retraction of allegations of 'on and off wiki harassment'.
This has been deeply upsetting.
Seriously this thing is both worrying and casts the whole WMUK in a vindictive light. I see no need for a public statement to be issued. Wikepedians do fall out but why publicize allegations which have never been reported to outside authorities, either all of you have lost your minds or spat will escalates in an expensive court case. I'm confused and flabbergasted.