On Wed, September 3, 2008 14:44, Andrew Turvey wrote:
I noticed the discussion previously about the type of organisation.
I understand Wiki v1 was a Company Limited by Guarantee and this proved to be a bit too onerous. (http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk/ea5e233643cbe7a39d43af65930f34fa/compdetai... shows the accounts and annual return were never filed)
As it happens, I spoke with Companies House this afternoon and they acknowledge that annual returns *were* filed, however many other records (inc. the registered Directors) are incorrect. So far as I was told at the time these changes were advised to CoHse using their web interface and, it seems to me, there is a fault in that system. Either way the company is presently being wound up and the process should complete by November (notices have to be published, etc, hence the delay)
The main problem with this is unlimited liabilities - if you are a member of the association and the association has a dispute with, say a venue, they could sue any member of the association as they would be jointly and severally liable.
Yes, and quickly set aside. When v1 was setting up we envisaged some substantial donations being made to WMUK and I don't see that being any less likely this time around. As a general rule, companies don't like giving money to unincorporated individuals as there is a whole lot of risk; they want a 'body corporate' which has to be public about everything where an unincorporated association can keep just about everything private.
Alison (still WMUK for the time being!)