As I have said, the only real decision that has been made is to hold an election, and for an interim board to be formed from this to create the company and that has been made clear on meta and so we can go with this "lazy consensus". The organisation of this election is still being discussed. Other than that no other decisions have been made regarding the organisation of WMUK. Mainly because at this moment in time, there are no other issues. I would say that discussion should not be limited to simply one forum. It should be done in as many arena's as possible to ensure everyone has the opportunity. There are no problems using IRC or e-mail so long as it does not alienate those which don't use it. At this moment in time I do not believe that has occurred. I believe Tom Dalton was mistaken in stating most decision have been made irc. Smaller issues that required immediate attention have been dealt with either on IRC or on this mailing list, the latter more so than the former. But they have mostly occurred in a publicly accessible forum. It is likely that this mailing list and, once set up is complete, the meta page will be the main areas for the discussion of ideas with regards to WMUK. _________________________________________________________________ Make a mini you and download it into Windows Live Messenger