2008/4/28 Michael Peel email@mikepeel.net:
Would it help if someone who was born in this country was involved with the process of getting a bank account? If so, then please let me know if I can help (although note that I'm based in Manchester, and am in London fairly infrequently).
More generally, if there's anything I can do to help get Wikimedia UK up and running, them please let me know. I'm a PhD student in astronomy, but I'm good with computers/websites (e.g. I created the Young Enterprise North West website at http:// www.youngenterprisenw.org) and also administration in general.
Ditto on all significant counts. I don't have all that much time available (it's exam term, after all!), but I can help out where needed. I'm over 18 with a reasonable credit rating (I expect - I don't have much of a credit history, still being student, but what I have is good) if you need a UK resident and citizen to sign anything.