Hi Robin,
Thank you for sending this over! It's a really interesting idea.
We really running at a very tight deadline with this now as the closing date for applications is tomorrow. Is there a preferred option? Is there anyone willing to take this forward? I am on annual leave tomorrow and unavailable to offer any help I'm afraid.
On 16 April 2013 18:13, info@cymruwales.com info@cymruwales.com wrote:
** Hi all
I've just posted my vision herehttp://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Google_Global_Impact_Challenge.
Take a peep and cast your vote!
Robin Owain Llywelyn2000
Wikimedia UK mailing list wikimediauk-l@wikimedia.org http://mail.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediauk-l WMUK: http://uk.wikimedia.org