2008/9/18 Alison Wheeler wikimedia@alisonwheeler.com:
On Thu, September 18, 2008 15:01, Thomas Dalton wrote:
someone to sign off on the application (a legal requirement).
Not sure where you get that from, but not true. The only legally-binding thing is to get the Swears done, which are about a fiver a time.
"Form 12 This is the declaration of Compliance with the Companies Act 1985 in respect of the registration. Once the Memorandum and Articles of Association (see below) have been completed, this must be signed in the presence of a Solicitor, Commissioner for Oaths, Notary Public or Justice of the Peace." (http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/infoAndGuide/companyRegistration.shtml)
Is that what you mean by "the Swears"? I have no idea what it costs, having never done it before, but it requires going to a solicitor, which is what I'm talking about (perhaps "sign off" wasn't the best choice of words, but they have to sign the application). If we're going to visit a solicitor (and presumably give them money), it might as well be a solicitor than can actually advise us.