Well, we're doing approval voting, which means even if we get seven candidates it doesn't necessarily mean we'll get 7 Board members!
In terms of the candidates you've applied so far - the simple answer is I know as little as you! Only the tellers know who's applied until the names are announced next week. I only know four definites who have said publicly they are standing (me, mpeel, Tango42 and Seddon).
I'd encourage you to stand - if you throw your hat in you can always withdraw after the names are announced if there's a crowded field!
On Apr 4, 11:15 pm, Paul Williams p...@skenmy.com wrote:
How are we doing for numbers? Got enough for a possible 7 seat board, or am I going to have to wait 25 hours? [?]
On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 11:05 PM, AndrewRT andrewrtur...@googlemail.comwrote:
Just a reminder that there are only 25 hours to go before close of nominations for the new Board! If you are interested in running, all that is needed is a quick email to tell...@wikimedia.org.uk with the information requested at
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-- -- Paul "skenmy" Williams -- p...@skenmy.com
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