2008/9/10 joseph seddon life_is_bitter_sweet@hotmail.co.uk:
I just got off the phone with the charities commission (should probably have done that sooner and saved all this discussion!), and the woman I spoke to didn't think CRB checks would be required just for handling the details of children, they'd only be required if the trustees are actually going to be in contact with the children (AGMs and things don't count, since those are all in groups). Anyone that is going to be going into schools, or similar, would need to be checked, of course. She did recommend that the charity have a specific policy saying that trustees wouldn't have any contract with children (without being checked).
I have just come off the phone with CRB. They said that it is recommended in legislation (they didnt say what one though) that adults handling the details of children have checks done on them, however it is left to the discretion of the organisation they work for. All in all, it is down to the board.
I had a feeling the woman from the charities commission wasn't entirely sure about what she was saying... Perhaps this is a matter for the board to talk to their solicitor about.