One thing to make clear when talking to anyone about this is that whilst SOPA/PIPA are proposals in the USA, they are *explicitly* targeted to "foreign" websites. And though the DNS aspect may have been delayed at present it is still in there and will be re-introduced at a later stage. This permits them to block DNS resolution for .COM .NET .ORG and some other TLDs, no matter that the owner of the website/webservice concerned may be in the UK (aka not in the USA), and the servers may be in the UK and the users may be in the UK *and even if geo-IP is used to ensure that only non-USA people can access the site/service then SOPA/PIPA would *still* permit that site to be blocked / taken offline.
Also, given that even .UK .IT .NO and all the rest of the ccTLDs refer back to the dozen of so root DNS servers, they too could be poisened under the draft bill as it exists. So make no bones about it, these proposals *will* affect just about every country in the world if they go through.