Hello Wikimedia UK,
The organisers of Wikimania 16 called and asked if any Wikimedian from the UK are interested in going to Esino Lario (location of Wikimania 16) to teach Italian secondary school teachers about various science and art subjects in English.
They're looking for postgraduate students, teachers, and teacher trainees from Britain to go and teach. The dates are 10-15 July 2017 and there's a remuneration of €1000 for taking part.
Further details are in the forwarded email below. Please contact Catherine Pensa cathpensa@yahoo.it from the Wikimania 16 team if you're interested.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Catherine Pensa cathpensa@yahoo.it Date: 22 April 2017 at 09:41 Subject: Re: English Courses in Esino Lario July 12-14, 2017 To: Deryck Chan deryckchan@gmail.com Cc: Lara Pensa larapensa85@gmail.com
Dear Deryck,
a few months have gone by and we are now finally ready to launch our summer courses in Esino Lario: a dozen learning and entertaining activities for people who want “active holidays” in the mountains. http://www.esinolario.org/it/corsi-estivi-2017-intro/
Italian teachers wishing to teach their subjects in English (which is now part of the syllabus for GCSE) will certainly benefit from some lessons and experience with good English teachers. We would be very happy if you could come to Esino again - and we are most thankful for your help in finding excellent candidates!
Can you please forward our offer to the widest range of prospective teachers who might be interested in teaching a few days in Esino Lario on €1000 (for travel, board & lodging and tutorial fees). See leaflet.
We would be very thankful if you could forward the leaflet and information to British Wikipedians too and post it on the internet to spread the news widely. Please let me know if you think we should write to Wikipedians ourselves or post the info on social networks. We definitely need a good communication scheme and count on you!
High school Italian teachers are busy until the beginning of July. Thus the course will take place *from Wednesday 12th to Friday 14th July *(arriving from GB on the 10th -for some briefing on July 11th- and leaving on the 15th or later). Enrolling will start this week-end and the deadline is May 20 for the students. By the end of May we need to receive applications from the English teachers in order to select a few for each subject.
Our Italian school system is highly academic: lots of lectures, lots of studying, notions, demanding exams. Fewer opportunities for group work and laboratory experiments… The subjects we mean to offer in English in Esino are: *Mathematics, Science, Physics, History, Fine Arts, English Literature, Physical Education.* Teachers, postgraduates and students from a teacher training college would be most welcome. So would Wikipedians specialized in these subjects.
We are proposing *an intensive 3-day course, 18 hours all in all, *with lessons on topics which are part of the syllabus of the equivalent of GCSE in Italy - with practice, discussion, exercises, educational games, videos, etc… The purpose is to offer a short but intensive “immersion” into the way teachers work in a high school in the UK.
Don’t hesitate to suggest anything that may improve the project and please help us find smart and lively people for the job! We would like to repeat this kind of courses in the future! I trust it will be successful but of course it is a totally new project this year.
Thanking you in advance for your help and looking forward to seeing you again in Esino I send you the best greetings of the Wikimania 2016 team!
Most friendly yours, Catherine with Iolanda, Lara and Marta